Puzzlegram Usage and Content Policy

  1. Introduction

This policy outlines the terms and conditions for using Puzzlegram, a platform that blends social photo sharing with interactive puzzle-solving.

  1. Age Restrictions and Parental Guidance

Age Limit: Puzzlegram is exclusively for users aged 18 and above. Underage usage is prohibited.

  1. User-Generated Content

Types of Content: Users can post photographs, drawings, or AI-generated images. All content must be original, have proper permissions, and be non-offensive.

  1. Usernames

Guidelines: Usernames should be respectful and appropriate, avoiding offensive or vulgar content.

  1. Content Standards

Prohibited Content: Offensive, discriminatory, sexually explicit, or violent content is strictly banned.
Age Appropriateness: Content should suit a general audience, aligning with guidelines from Google Play and Apple’s App Store.

  1. Copyright and Intellectual Property

Ownership and Permissions: Users must ensure they own or have rights to any content they upload.

  1. Community Engagement and Rewards

Future Initiatives: Details about potential Community Engagement and Rewards programs will be announced separately.

  1. User Interaction and Safety

Respectful Behavior: Harassment, bullying, and disrespectful conduct are not tolerated.

  1. Puzzle-Solving Feature

Image Access: Users must solve puzzles to access certain images.

  1. Prohibited Actions

No Unethical Behavior: Hacking, cheating, or manipulating app features for unintended use is strictly prohibited.

  1. Moderation and Enforcement

Content Review: The Puzzlegram team reserves the right to review and remove content that violates these policies.

  1. Dispute Resolution

Appeals Process: Users can appeal content or account deletions via support at gravictorium dot com.

  1. Data Portability and Account Deletion

Data Handling: Requests for data access or deletion can be made via support at gravictorium dot com. Users acknowledge that their shared images may be saved by others, beyond Puzzlegram’s control.

  1. Updates and Changes to the App

Notification: Updates or significant changes will be announced on gravictorium.com.

  1. Policy Updates

Revision Notices: This policy may be updated periodically, with notifications to users through gravictorium.com.

  1. Contact and Grievances

Feedback and Reporting: Users are encouraged to report policy violations and provide feedback.

  1. Report Mechanism for Inappropriate Content

Reporting System: Users can report violations via a designated feature in the app or via email support at gravictorium dot com.
Abuse Consequences: Misuse of the reporting feature can result in a ban.

  1. Clarification on Advertisements

Ad Presence: Puzzlegram contains ads to support its operations.
Ad Selection and Control: Ads are selected based on user data, with transparency and user control over preferences.

  1. User Responsibility for Shared Content

Content Responsibility: Users are responsible for the legality and accuracy of their shared content.

  1. Revision of User Content

Content Management: Users can delete their posts using the app interface.

  1. Safety Tips for Online Interactions

Interaction Guidelines: Users should be cautious with personal information and respectful in interactions.
By adhering to these guidelines, Puzzlegram aims to foster a safe, engaging, and creative environment for its adult user base.

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